Thursday, April 4, 2019

Eliminating Radio Interference

Shut off the reefer when operating the SSB
The most effective way to reduce emissions from the power leads is to use shielded cable.

  1. Keep lengths to the minimum.  
  2. Twist power leads and apply grounded shields 
  3. Run positive and negative supply lines together in the same runs,even if one of them could be made shorter 
  4. Avoid providing multiple 'grounds' to the same equipment. 
  5. Loop the power leads through proper ferrite torroids (not the clamp on styles) and use of capacitors before and after the torroids.

Any kind of switching power supply will cause RF noise and should be shielded. 
This includes the compressor and also the current drivers on led circuits. 
The pulse width modulator current drivers create RF noise for the same reason, short rise and fall edges on the pulses.

It is common practice to run Positive and Negative (aka 'ground') wires separately.
This creates a 'magnetic loop' that radiates Electromagnetic Interference that generates a signal in antennas.
Magnetic inductance is proportional to loop area.

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