Monday, April 29, 2019



I launched mine by attaching a rope around the tow ball of the car and letting it out till the boat floated free it was a long way down the ramp and I had not taken enough turns so I had rope burn a 2 man job for safety. my car would have been well under water with out this idea.

I used a cargo strap to let the boat (on the trailer) to roll back down into the water from a beech. We also had a cradle tied to the back of the boat so that a RIB could pull her back if needed and could also take control. We did this with the rudder removed. We then pulled the trailer out of the water. Let the trailer wheel bearings cool down before pushing the trailer into water!

The Very difficult part is getting the boat back on the trailer, it took 2 hours and three of us to do it, and we had to go in the water.

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